Sunday, September 21, 2008

At Night

At night

At night I lay and think of you hoping my wishes and dreams come true

At night I wonder can this be the end, is this all that's left

At night I wish we could go to the way things were

At night I lay and cry about the things that happened and how it all is changing

At night I lay and think of us, I mean you and I

At night I realize there's no more us

At night I dream of us together again

At night I wish for us to be together again

But in the morning I realize it was all

At Night

Monday, June 30, 2008

INDIA?? Or IN Di end!!!!!

What has happened to this mankind I fail to understand at times. There seems to be more hatred in our hearts for people rather than love.Why is our society divided so much on the basis of caste,color,creed and religion?On one side we boast as of being one of the most secular nations of the world & on the other hand,we,as a nation state fail to happily co-exist with people outside our religion/region & caste.It was Raj Thackery dragging North Indians outof Maharasthra to woo Marathi voters which actuallymade me take notice of the situation. How easily,these people hold general public for ransomis disheartining to see. And, Im not saying this beacause Im a north Indian. Rather, I wasntaffected by any of their moves wehn I was in Mumbai, but I did see people suffering.Then came the Gujjar violence....or as they call it.."revolution"....These people sat on railway tracks in Rajasthan as a mark of their protest & caused discomfort to I dont know 1000s of people over weeks...And all this to get themselves classified as "backward"!!!!!Then came the agitation of SIKHS..over da killing of some members of the communityby some facade section of the same community(dats wat i perceived it to be).....they too followed similar ways of holding people to ransom...stopping local trains in mumbai,pelting stones at them, sitting on railway tracks in PUnjab & what not.....Again causing enough trouble to general people.....
What was the fault of a man who started from his home early morning to go to office,that he wasgreeted with Sikhs throwing stones at him at the next station?
I do not understand what was the point all these communities were trying to make by doing all this?
What a pity is it...We, as a nation are world's second fastest growing economy...We have probaly richest heritage and culture around the world....At a time when whole world is recognising a time when US is ready to have a N Deal with us(though itmight be more of their interest)....its sad to notice that from inside we are more weaker than what we were at Independence...Its disappointing to see people fighting to be classifieds as "backwards" in a progressive nation. But I believe the reason for such a demand is grown out of political mismanagement rather than real cause.Who wants to be called backaward?But,its the real cream benefits that are provided to such communities through reservations which actually make people do dis.The benefit is not extended to people who really need it, but ratheris shared by people who already are affuluent enough.I fail to understand the reason for which an IAS officer's sonis given reservation. Once someone has become an IAS,he has already moved forward...y den such a priveledge to his son?Only because his father was backward???? what a shit is it?
Anyways,my whole point to write this post wasnt reservation.In fact, it was not at all reservation. It was aboutthe communal disharmony we are having in India today.Its about breaking of those tolernce limits we had within us...Its about hatred that we are living within our hearts today....
And to sum it all..... there was a comment from Balasahab Thackery to form Hindu Jehadi Units...What a shit!!!
I dont know why people like him malign Hindu religion. I m a Hindu and follow Sanatan Dharma..A dharma which teaches to accept,respect,help everybody and anybody without distinction over color,caste,creed,sex or religion....I dont believe in GOD, but still I believe I have more Hindutava in me rather than these people who have probably lost the real meaning of being a Hindu...

I wish somehow all this changes.....Imagine a world without any religion,caste or creed....May be its a dream for me...
But, I also Dreams have nver ever come true!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Red & White

Well this post is about a month old.It was written while I was in delhi last time.Where am I right now & why is all together a different story(which I may write some oder day)....
Somehow,couldnt post this dat day.Though it might be irrelevant today,but still thot of just posting it.

It was just another morning in my life. As usual i woke up on my right time to go to my office.Most of the time,I complete this 25Km journey on my bike. It is a lot of fun zooming ur bike on delhi roads.Though, many people wouldnt subscribe to my views, I feel its more of a personal choice and nature. I could write down i dont know how many reasons for my love of my bike ride. Those breaking speedy limits, those overtakes, those unsaid races wid fellow unknwon bikers....the list is just endless.
And the reason which makes my drive more pleasurable is about a 5 Km stretch on the Ring Road(which is at least 4 times wider than most of the roads in mumbai) on which I occassionaly hit 100Kmph,even during the high traffic time zones. Though its risky at times,but I guess of late I really dont care bout my life..(sounds creepy huh??!!!)...

Anyways, so it was just like any other day. As I went out of my room, I realised that it had rained last nite.The very prospect of drivin my bike on a cloudy mornin made me more excited for the travel.I hurried through my daily chores and was soon putting my bike into the first gear.It was a windy morning....... Cool breeze welcomed me as I moved out of my apartments.

I was already enjoying the weather,the ride... & was approaching favourite stretch of my journey....It was a little less crowded in terms of traffic that day.The traffic was moving swiftly and I was sure,Im gonna knock the 100 figure today again.
As per the normal practice, I started accelerating after a U turn, over took a few cars and was moving steadily untill, a huge WHITE innova came in my swift movement. I had to overtake it in order to move ahead.It was moving steadily & i titlted my bike towards its left side from behind in order to overtake....I had done this many times earlier and its not at all difficult to overtake cars from left.But, today was a different day...... .....

As I came to the left of the huge WHITE innova, I realised that right in front of me(about 40-50 mts away) a RED maruti had broken down....Its parking lights were blinking and one thing was for sure....IT WASNT MOVING......

I must have touched about 70-80Kmph by dat time.....the car was too close for my brakes alone to be effective enough to stop me from crashing into the car......The only way out for me was to not only apply full brakes, but also swing myself towards right as much as possible on a road which was still somewhat wet......I had to swing right,but the traffic behind me would have crushed me if I wud sway too much....Frankly, this thought never crossed my mind during that moment..its only in hindsight that I see it dat way....

With no oder option left, I applied brakes as well as turned a little on the right side(something like TITANIC did when it was avoiding to be hit by the iceberg!!!!) heart definately skipped a beat at that moment.......and within a few seconds, I realised that i was ALIVE!!! ( wow..wat a wonder man!!!)....I managed to avert the collision as much as 99%,with only my Tail light getting knocked off and by the time i fell,my bike was almost stationary....I escaped widout a single scratch on my body, though my already wrecked left knee(y do i call it wrecked is anoder story again!!!)...took some sort of shock......but none the less...i was able to stand on both my feet and bring a smile to my face...
WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!..wat an escape....

I can say now...i have seen DEATH as close as 2 seconds to me...he he he ......

And y did I use RED & WHITE in caps????well.....i realised later on that i was able to avert getting hit from behind because of the same WHITE Innova....coz, as i started moving towrds my right to avoid Red maruti, it also did da same and almost moved parallel to me,thus acting as a Guard......

And generally, RED signifies Devil...and WHITE da angels......was it just a coincidence dat day???

I hope it could be co related now........

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I decided to write this post after what happened with me today morning.But before I tell you what inspired me to write this down, I would like to brief you aboutmy daily schedule of travel(from home to work).It takes me about 1.25-1.5 hours in the completetravel. I start by taking a bus to the nearest Local train station(a journey of3+kms n 15 mins).Once the train arrives on the platform, I fight,kick,punch,push,pull n wat not just to makesure I can put at least one foot on the footboard,before it starts pushing away.And, on days when I m lucky, Im able to board the train with my feet well inside the train.Bt thats not all,my PT excercise starts once into the train. I usually travel the whole30-35 min stretch,with both my hands up(trying to hold some handle for support) & in a complete"PAPPAD" situation,wherein im sandwiched between people.
Once I get down on my station & able to breathe freely, its again time to get into a queue to boarda bus to my office. This journey is about 20 mins & 5Km long.And finally, just accross the road is my office.By that time, Im usually frustrated,fed up & in a weird mood. My reasons of giving such along description of my journey was so that you can probably feel what kind of mood Im into at that time.

Yea,now coming back to my point. Today, from the penultimate stop from my destination,a couple boarded the bus. Soon,they were able to find a nearby seat for themselves n got seated.What caught my eye was dis bful smile that this couple was carrying. Both of themseemed so joyful & happy. It was probably for the first time that I was seeing someone smilingin this mad rush of Mumbai. People here are always rushing,running,shouting,yelling at fellowpassengers & what not.Not only this couple was far different from all that,they also gota similar treatment from the bus conductor(who oderwise are biggest ass@#lEs around). He too passed a smile while giving them the tickets.Though they didnt see the smile, but it was pretty much evident in his voice then.Same man, who was yelling at commuters for change,fare n tickets, was suddenly transformed into a normal HUMAN BEING with soft words.So much was done by just a SMILE. It did same to me. All of a sudden, I felta little relaxed & at ease.....
That's the power of a smile.
As i read somewhere...." costs nothing"....Just so true.

n yea....I forgot to tell you....that couple was BLIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many of us can live with that spirit?Not many..Not ME...Its not that those 2 peopledidnt have troubles in their life or was easy going for them. It certainly wasnt the case.They were part of the same system thorugh which I go through everyday.But they were living in a way,which I believe none of us can follow.
Just a thought!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Revisit(Cant think of any other Title)

Its been an year since I last updated this blog.And today I feel pretty strange writing this down.
I cant really describe what kept me so long off the blog and neither why Im back here today.
But, as I opened it today, I observed something so peculiar to technology,something that is not found in we humans,something that is said to be inevitable.......This blog hasnt changed. It is stil the same as I left it an year back.It doesnt complain of my absence,rather seems so lively once Im here again.
I wonder whether we humans can ever be like that??Can we have such a level of forgiveness & understanding for people we posses?for people we care about?

Or is it that some of us really are or were that way,but the world around us forced to dwell into the more general nature of human"kind".At least I dont have an answer to this. May be because these questions werent on my mind when I decided to update this.

Anyways,its January again.A month over which a complete new year is looking upon us. And no one knows what this year holds for us.Last year was pretty eventful for me. Brought a lot of changes in me,and I say this becoz for da frst time ever in my life, i do believe in destiny.Though,its just a small part of the complete change,but still.

Im in mumbai dese days.A city which they say never sleeps.And it truly lives upto its image.
People here are always in a hurry.A hurry to get somewhere & only god knows where.
From a pedestrian to a beaurocrat,from an autowalah toh a merc owner,from a 12 year old boy to a grandpa....everyone seems to be in a hurry.As if there is no tommorw....or if today's all they have got to complete their endless tasks....

And this......brought me another food for thought.....
Wat all would we do if we get to know that today is all we have?Im not talkin about bein fictious.
But,m talkin about something that lives as a desire in you,but u have never done it. Something, which has no competativeness attached to it,but is completely under our control. may be something we have always wanted to do,but have abstained ourselves from doing it. Or may be something, which you might have done before, but would still like to repeat.

And when, I gave it a good thought, I realised that my list would be so long.There are so many things to do,so many words to say.We spend so much time doing things what we are expected to do & so little doing what we really want to. So much of pushin & much strain..
sacrifices and what not...All this for things we might really dont wanna do....

Funny world I tell you.
Neways, I think the post is long enough now. Though, I still have many other thoughts on mind, bt would "KEY" them down some time later. Suggestions/Comments of visitors are welcome.

PS: Please ignore any language mistakes that I may have commited.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Next post..coming soon...:)