Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I decided to write this post after what happened with me today morning.But before I tell you what inspired me to write this down, I would like to brief you aboutmy daily schedule of travel(from home to work).It takes me about 1.25-1.5 hours in the completetravel. I start by taking a bus to the nearest Local train station(a journey of3+kms n 15 mins).Once the train arrives on the platform, I fight,kick,punch,push,pull n wat not just to makesure I can put at least one foot on the footboard,before it starts pushing away.And, on days when I m lucky, Im able to board the train with my feet well inside the train.Bt thats not all,my PT excercise starts once into the train. I usually travel the whole30-35 min stretch,with both my hands up(trying to hold some handle for support) & in a complete"PAPPAD" situation,wherein im sandwiched between people.
Once I get down on my station & able to breathe freely, its again time to get into a queue to boarda bus to my office. This journey is about 20 mins & 5Km long.And finally, just accross the road is my office.By that time, Im usually frustrated,fed up & in a weird mood. My reasons of giving such along description of my journey was so that you can probably feel what kind of mood Im into at that time.

Yea,now coming back to my point. Today, from the penultimate stop from my destination,a couple boarded the bus. Soon,they were able to find a nearby seat for themselves n got seated.What caught my eye was dis bful smile that this couple was carrying. Both of themseemed so joyful & happy. It was probably for the first time that I was seeing someone smilingin this mad rush of Mumbai. People here are always rushing,running,shouting,yelling at fellowpassengers & what not.Not only this couple was far different from all that,they also gota similar treatment from the bus conductor(who oderwise are biggest ass@#lEs around). He too passed a smile while giving them the tickets.Though they didnt see the smile, but it was pretty much evident in his voice then.Same man, who was yelling at commuters for change,fare n tickets, was suddenly transformed into a normal HUMAN BEING with soft words.So much was done by just a SMILE. It did same to me. All of a sudden, I felta little relaxed & at ease.....
That's the power of a smile.
As i read somewhere...." costs nothing"....Just so true.

n yea....I forgot to tell you....that couple was BLIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many of us can live with that spirit?Not many..Not ME...Its not that those 2 peopledidnt have troubles in their life or was easy going for them. It certainly wasnt the case.They were part of the same system thorugh which I go through everyday.But they were living in a way,which I believe none of us can follow.
Just a thought!!!