Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Xmas with a Hunger Strike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As scheduled we went on a hunger strike yesterday.The group walked upto to the Rastrapati Bhawan and sat rite in front of the gate...The march was peaceful and no slogans were involved..The group,although small was they say "A LION is worth 100 SHEEPS"...

Soon whole of the police force around was in panic.....officers rushin in on their VINTAGE motorbikes,jeeps n all....Soon the place was buzzing with people...we were gatherin support from people originaly not with us...strangers comin to us and appreciatin da effort.....Even POLICEMEN were supportin da of them even said.."Soon we will have reservations in jobs n duty on monday OBC would be on duty in police,on TUE SCs...etc...."

But it was dere duty to make sure we vacate da place....and eventually RAF was called to make sure we leave da place....for a bunch of 20 peaceful protesting students...about 70 odd RAF personels were called....wat a way!!!!!!!!

They started negotiatin with us and promised us to leave us at Jantar Mantar if we peacefuly co-operate with them...our aim wasnt to disturb da law n order situation n so we agreed....but instead of takin them to jantar mantar,they took them to Central Sectt Police station.......i manged to escape da arrest along wid 2 oders....while they were held inside da station,we were standin outside,tryin to gather some support...we managed to get a doc from AIIMS came over and helped us...the students were released around 7PM.......
If you get to read today's(25th dec), turn to page 3 to read about it....


Well so im into blogging as well.But before anything starts on this blog,i must truly acknowledge our AJ(ajju)whose blog inspired me to write one for myself.I appreciate his writing skills and if you ever get a chance to read his blogs,do so..they are really intresting.Though I believe this could be the most vella thing to do,but is intresting beyond doubt.I m sure Veejay or VJ would definitely second my thoughts.After all he named his blog as "vellap" wat else can i say about it???And as VJ says,these posts are meant only for some people...who can take cues from it and get what you really wanna say...of course who would be comfortable putting up all what he feels on such a public i guess my whole purpose of writin a blog is to have some fun...and may be to let people understand me better(those who say they cant do so!!!)...

i finished off wid my exams today...and god wat a relief it is....i have had a tough time durin last two weeks tryin to keep up my grades above da basic requirement level...Though i belive i finally managed to do so in all exams except one....da very frst one which really shook me and caught me unguarded wid all dese sem stuff!!!!The results would be due late february n im so sure by dat time i wudnt be even rememberin wat were my 5 subjects!!!!!
There are a hell lota activities lined up startin tommrow.....some wanted,some unwanted and at times u need to compromise at sm fronts......
bt to start off..tommrw's a HUNGER STRIKE...under da YFE banner....against da reservation thingy....m kinda excited for it... :)
I dont knw how regular im gonna be wid dis blogging as of nw dats alll